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#Sign up for our newsletter Interested in upcoming news, new releases, and other literary events? Sign up for our newsletter by clicking here. (Please note that we will not spam your email; the newsletters will be sent out randomly between 1-3 times per year.)If you're feeling stuck on how to pitch a book idea to a publisher then read this blog post. Click here to learn more. #Free sample chapters from The Artists' Guide to Building a Sustainable Career ebook This is what I call the “quick and dirty” version of my guidebook for artists. It provides an overview of the topics I cover in much greater detail, but from a less academic perspective. Click here to download.You might think that the only qualification you need to teach art is your own success in the field or having an MFA in fine arts. But if you want to become a full-time art teacher, there are further criteria that will need to be met, especially if you plan on teaching in a public school. While certification requirements vary by state, they all must meet national guidelines, which are outlined in the National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and Council for Advancement of Standards in Education (CAS) publication "Guidelines for Initial Teacher Education Programs in Early Childhood Programs". The use of these guidelines will ensure commonality across states and districts. According to "Guidelines" (pg. 17) the applicant must demonstrate "an understanding of the philosophies, goals, and practices of early childhood education; the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that are appropriate for young children; their developmental characteristics; and the relationships among early childhood educators." Aside from this basic understanding, you will also need to demonstrate your knowledge of curriculum development (including how to develop appropriate materials), classroom management (how to keep control without losing it), teaching strategies (including clear objectives within each lesson), classroom observation skills (to be able to notice if something is or isn't working in your classroom), and an understanding of assessment strategies (how to measure whether what you're doing is effective). To do this, all teacher candidates must take a supervised early childhood education course that will include a 12-hour early childhood observation as well as a 24-hour classroom experience. In addition, most states require an internship in which you'll gain more teaching experience. In terms of testing requirements, most states now require or accept the Praxis II exam from the Educational Testing Service (ETS), which is based on the NAEYC/CAS guidelines. The Artist's Guide to Building a Sustainable Career offers more in-depth information on the topic of sustainable careers. #View The Artists' Guide to Building a Sustainable Career ebook The Artists' Guide to Building a Sustainable Career covers the subject of sustainable careers, what you can do to help your career, and what you can expect after achieving sustainability. #Download sample chapters from The Artists' Guide to Building a Sustainable Career ebook Take some time out on your computer by downloading the sample chapters from my guidebook on sustainable careers. cfa1e77820


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